Your journey is yours alone, let me provide support, encouragement and evidence based guidance to support YOUR journey.

Kylie can be reached:


Call or Text : 480-788-7709

Office Locations:

(M,Tu, Th &F) 3929 S. Rural Rd. Suite 114, Tempe, AZ 85282

(Wednesdays ONLY) 918 S. Mill Ave. Tempe AZ 85281

Or Drop me a line/book a call below!

Book a Free 10 Min. Consultation

Kylie understands the importance of finding a Nutrition & Lactation Consultant that meets your needs. Request a free 10 minute consultation to answer 1-2 quick question or learn more about services before committing.

Drop me a line here or Request a 10 minute consult:

Follow the journey on Instagram @MoreThanALatch